Orphaned Computers & Game Systems

Vol. I, Issue 2    August 1994

News and Events

compiled by Adam Trionfo

- The Central Atari Information Network is holding the C.A.I.N. Atari Fun-Fest '94. It will be held on August 7, 1994, from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM, at Knights of Columbus Hall: 7637 Chardon Road, Kirtland, OH, 44094. Admission is free. There will be many dealers and demonstrations of products, including the Jaguar, Lynx, Falcon and Gemulator (an Atari ST emulator for the IBM), as well as 8-bit products, 16/32-bit computers, and the Portfolio Palmtop Computer. Meet the editors of C.A.I.N., the online newsletter. For more information, contact Fred Horvat, P.O. Box 493, Chesterland, OH, 44026-0493, or call him at (216) 729-0761. His e-mail address is ap748@cleveland.freenet.edu.

- If you own an Amiga computer like I do, you may be interested to find out that a company has made a hardware interface that emulates a Mac. So why am I including this in the newsletter? Well, the price is $600. (Note: I didn't say, "only $600." Ask Jeremy Statz what the heck I'm talking about!) Anyway, if you happen to have this sucker, they are planning to have software upgrades that will allow you to simulate the Atari 400/800, C64 and Apple II, among others. I wouldn't buy this just to emulate these computers...but for more info, contact Utilities Unlimited International, Inc. at 790 N. Lake Havasu Avenue, #16, Lake Havasu, AZ, 86403.

- If you have anything to add to News and Events, drop me a line, and I'll include it. This includes hardware, software, 'zines, or whatever!