Orphaned Computers & Game Systems

Vol. II, Issue 7    December 1998

Classic Gaming Gifts

(and Where to Get Them)

by Adam Trionfo

There are many places to buy classic items today, especially from individuals on the Internet. But it seems that almost everyone deals with the same kind of items -- often, one place is indistinguishable from another. So, this being the December issue, listed here are some of the companies or people that have unique or unusual items.

Santa may be bringing you some terrific gifts this year, but even if you don't celebrate the holidays, there is always a reason to buy cool classic computer-related items. Pat yourself on the back and send away your cash for some terrific gifts for yourself! Treat yourself to a neat, and perhaps pricy, hardware upgrade (a hard drive for your C64) or budget for new software for a dusty system (Amok! for the Odyssey 2). There can be no excuse for a lack of ideas this year. Short on cash? Share this list with your favorite gift-giver -- you never know what you might get.

There are so many classic dealers (especially if you count individuals on the Net), it is impossible to make this list comprehensive. Because of space, I have left out many folks who I know are excellent dealers. I have tried to include people and places that have some unusual items. It may be time to create another dealer list. The last one, from the first issue, is four years old.

One last note: Without Internet access, it is difficult to reach some of these people. If you don't have access to the Internet, remember that many local libraries and community colleges offer free access. For classic-computer users, the Internet has become an invaluable resource.

Adam's House -- This is the only place that I know of that specifically features ColecoVision and Adam hardware and software. The list and descriptions of items are unmatched. Take a glance at the online catalog. Buy an Adam and then add a serial and parallel port, disk drive and hard drive, and you are ready for some real fun! (Adam's House, 1829 County Road #130, Pearland, TX 77581-9503. Phone - (281)482-5040/(281)997-6907)

B&C ComputerVisions -- I recently bought a number of items from these great folks at World of Atari '98. They have an excellent presence online and are very helpful. (B&C ComputerVisions, 5917 Stope Way, El Dorado, Ca. 95623-4716. Phone - (530) 295-9270. FAX - (530) 295-9271. E-mail - myatari2@juno.com. Web: www.myatari.com)

Best Electronics -- If you don't buy an item, then you have to at least purchase the 228-page Revision 10 catalog. It is amazing! It has just about everything ever made for the Atari 8-bit and ST series, plus great pictures of unreleased items, tips and information. It is the coolest way to spend ten bucks that I can think of. The catalog itself might be the present you have been looking forward to all year! (Best Electronics, 2021 The Alameda Suite 290, San Jose, California 95126. Phone - (408)243-6950)

JerryG -- This is one of the most comprehensive websites around. Jerry has many items available for just about every classic system made. There is a fantastic online museum, too. Look at the the want list he has if you have unusual items for trade. (https://atari2600.com)

John Dondzila's Home Page -- Check out new games for the Vectrex, ColecoVision and Odyssey 2 here. John has made some very amazing products and is considered by many to have made the best-ever Vectrex game, Patriots. (https://www.monmouth.com/~pcjohn/)

Video 61 -- You would be hard-pressed to find anyone as nice as Lance at Video 61. He doesn't just deal with Atari computers and game systems for nostalgic reasons; he loves them and uses them currently. Order one of the new cartridges reviewed in the latest catalogue! (Video 61 & Atari Sales, 22735 Congo St. N.E., Stacy, MN 55079. Phone - (651)462-2500)

Video Magic -- This is a newsletter and catalog. It is a great effort at preserving classic video games as well as a place to find fair prices on current used titles. Video Magic is one of the few places I have found to get classic computer magazines. (Video Magic, c/o Frank M. Polosky, P.O. Box 9542, PGH PA 15223) -- AT