Orphaned Computers & Game Systems

Vol. II, Issue 4    June 1998


by Chris Federico and Adam Trionfo

While working on this issue, I made a shocking observation. I purchased a cartridge for my Commodore 128 that lets it use modern modem speeds. The whole point is to download software that will be fun and useful to me. This is where the shocking observation comes in. Almost all of the software I find on the Internet is for use with emulators. Don't get me wrong; I like emulators. No, I love emulators! But I feel like I'm the only one using the actual Commodore 64 hardware anymore. Isn't there anyone out there willing to admit that they use the hardware itself? You know, hardware? That metal and plastic stuff that takes up room on your desk rather than on your hard disk?

I have been spending too much time with my Bally Astrocade lately, totally neglecting all of my other systems. I don't need a new computer to enjoy computing. I can just go to a local thrift store and pick up a computer for a couple of dollars that will give me unlimited fun. The fun doesn't stop, either; I just move on to other machines that are equally as fun for an equally small amount of cash.

Getting attached to one system is unavoidable; I prefer the Atari VCS and Atari 8-bits. Using only one system all the time would bore me to tears. I have to use a few different computers daily or I'd go mad. I'm lucky; I work with different types of computers at work -- IBM mainframes, UNIX boxes, and many different operating systems. But I love to come home, plug a cart into one of my trusty classic consoles and play until I get Space Invaders Wrist. It sure beats playing the latest beat-'em-up with my four-year-old son -- and losing! -- Adam

Hey everyone! Well, between last ish and this one, we finally completed a nicely organized Website. It's a mirror of this paper treat, but it's not in the nifty columns-and-boxes format in which you're currently indulging. In addition to all OC&GS issues, there's a two-part feature there that takes you on a detailed tour of the world in the classic Zork trilogy. It was far too long for an actual issue, so I put links to that feature on our page.

If you wanna visit us online, enter this magic, fantastic message into your URL box: https://w3.tvi.cc.nm.us/~atrionfo https://orphanedgames.com/ (If you're already reading this online, you're already here. Good show!)

Y'know, you run into a lot of nice folks who share this hobby. It's like their penchant for old games has somehow spilled over into their demeanors, indicating the etiquette and good manners of yesteryear. First, thanks very much to Joe Santulli, the Editor-In-Chief of Digital Press. He was kind enough to put a link to our Website on the DP page. We don't have a page of links yet, so I'll just have to plug 'em right here (like they need it). Visit Digital Press at https://www.digitpress.com/ and feast on their banquet of gaming expertise. I'd also like to highly recommend their Classic Videogames Collector's Guide, 4th Edition. Their page contains all of the info you need to order it.

Also, thank you, James Austin! He's a reader from Kent, England who was kind enough to send us an installment of the UK magazine New Atari User, wherein there sits a big ol' blurb about our nummy newsletter and where to get it. So obviously I'd also like to express sincere appreciation to Les Ellingham, the curator of that fantastic folio. Get a bimonthly, one-year subscription by sending 23 pounds (it's about 40 American smackers -- ask the Post Office), or 42 pounds for a disk subscription (both of these prices include shipping), to Page 6 Publishing, PO Box 54, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 1DR, England. It will be worth your while, Atari fans! -- Chris

By the way, The World Of Atari show is on August 21-23 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Chris and I will be there; will you? You really should think about attending if you aren't going already. Can you call yourself an Atari fan if you don't go? Besides, how are Chris and I going to meet you if you aren't there? For more information about the show, visit the excellent Website a https://atarihq.com/ atari98/ and you'll get all of the information you'll need. -- Adam